News Archive for April 2017
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Still Revising ABP
Written by Kodi Wolf at 11:38 AM
March was a revision month, hence the low word count. I haven't quite finished with all the revisions for A Bondage Primer the way I had hoped, but I'm close. Once those are done, I'll work on getting all that text formatted for the site so I can finally start posting new chapters.
My total word count for March was 17,710, which averages out to 571 words per day. My lowest words per day was 24 and my highest was 2,300.
I'm really pleased with how the revisions are coming along and the changes I've made. I think they flesh out a few things that were missing before (like how McKenzie ended up at Ryan's on Day 2). I just hope you guys like the changes, too.
Well, back to work. :)