If your question isn't answered here, please feel free to e-mail me by going to the Contact page.
Just remember, if you e-mail me and your question is answered here, you will be redirected to this page.
Membership Help
How do I...
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How do I...
Membership Help
Q: How do I become a member?
Read the Terms of Service, etc.
Make sure to read the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Membership Info pages. Being a member of W.O.L.F. Sector comes with both privileges and obligations, and you should be aware of what each entails so you can make an informed decision. Joining W.O.L.F. Sector will constitute your acceptance of all of the above.
Choose a membership type.
There are two types of membership, Story and Site.
Now, I'm assuming if you're asking the question of how to join the site that you've already read the sample chapters of most, if not all, of the stories, as well as checked out the Uncharted section to see what may be coming in the future.
So, do you want access to all the stories, as well as stories that may be added in the future? If so, you should choose a Site Membership.
On the other hand, if only one or two of the stories have caught your interest, you should choose a Story Membership for each of those stories. (Note: If it's more than two, you should really consider a Site Membership, since if you change your mind later, you'll only be able to get credit towards a Site Membership for up to two Story Memberships.)
Once you've decided what kind of membership(s) you want, click on the Become a Member of W.O.L.F. Sector link (read the text if you haven't already) and click on either the Site Membership or Story Memberships link at the bottom of the page.
Fill out the registration form.
Having clicked on one of the membership links, you should now be on one of the signup pages. They're basically the same for both types of membership, though for the Story Memberships, you'll get a list of all the available stories. Unfortunately, you can only choose one at a time (the system doesn't work well as a shopping cart), so you'll need to select the first story you want to access, and then once you've created your account, you can order more using the Add Memberships button on your member account page (again, you'll have to order them one at a time, sorry).
Choose the membership you'd like to sign up for. If you've chosen a Site Membership, it will already be selected for you. If you've chosen a Story Membership, make your selection (if you want more than one, you can order more later).
Payment System
I currently only accept payments through PayPal, so PayPal will already be selected for you. PayPal allows you to pay with funds from your PayPal account or with your credit/debit card.
Your Name
Enter your first and last names.
Your E-mail Address
Enter the e-mail address you'd like to use with your W.O.L.F. Sector account. I use e-mail verification as part of the registration process, so make sure you can receive e-mail at the address specified before you hit the Continue button at the bottom of the page.
Choose a Username
Your Username must be at least 6 characters long (maximum is 20), and can only contain letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and the underscore '_' character (no spaces). You may capitalize parts of your Username (ex: UserName or USERname), but when logging in, capitalizing or not will be ignored (though your Username will be displayed with the proper capitalization once you've logged in).
Choose a Password/Confirm your password
Your Password must be at least 6 characters long (maximum is 32), and can contain pretty much any character, as far as I know (you'll probably receive an error if you do something weird). Unlike your Username, your Password is case-sensitive. If you capitalize parts of your Password (ex: PassWord or PASSword), remember it because if you don't enter it exactly the same way when you log in, the system won't accept it. Confirm your Password by entering it again.
Enter Verification Text
Enter the text from the image to verify you're a person and not a robot attempting to sign up.
Enter coupon code
If you have a coupon, enter the code in the box.
Click Continue.
Agree to the Terms of Service
After you click Continue, a new page will load with the User Agreement. Click on the "I Agree" checkbox to signify you agree to the Terms of Service.
Click Continue.
Check your e-mail
After you click Continue in the previous step, a new page will load telling you to check your e-mail. Do so. (The browser window will remain open.)
If you haven't already, you should soon receive an e-mail with "Account Verification" in the subject line asking you to click on the link in the e-mail (which will confirm the e-mail address you provided is valid) to activate your account and to continue the registration process.
Click on the link. If you don't, your account will remain in limbo.
Pay for your new membership
After you click on the link in the Account Verification e-mail, you'll be redirected to the PayPal site.
If you have a PayPal account, you'll be asked to log in and can follow the instructions from there to complete your payment.
If you don't have a PayPal account or have never used their service, just follow the instructions on their pages and you should be fine. By the way, you should not have to create a PayPal account to use your credit/debit card to pay me through their service. The payment page should give you the option of either logging into your PayPal account (if you have one) or paying with your credit/debit card as a PayPal guest. If you decide to pay as a PayPal guest, I'm pretty sure you'll be given the option of creating an account at that time. If you don't want to, simply select the option that lets you pay without creating an account.
Once I receive your payment, your membership will be activated, which should be instantaneous with PayPal (unless you use an e-check, which can take several days to clear).
You should receive an e-mail receipt from PayPal to confirm your payment has been sent (you'll also receive a Payment Receipt e-mail from W.O.L.F. Sector confirming your payment has been received). You should also receive a Welcome e-mail with your Account details from W.O.L.F. Sector, as well as another e-mail with information specific to the Membership you signed up for.
PayPal will not automatically return you to the W.O.L.F. Sector site, but if you go back to the E-mail Verification window and click the Login link in the top right corner of the page, it should automatically log you in at that time and you can begin accessing the Member Only areas according to your membership type. If for any reason it doesn't log you in, you should be presented with a Login box where you can enter your username and password and login manually.
Q: How do I add a Story Membership?
Go to your Member page (you'll need to log in if you aren't already) and click on the Add Membership link in the menu on the right (this link will not be available if you have a Site Membership, since Site Membership supersedes the need for any Story Memberships).
You'll be taken through a similar process as when you became a member. See "How do I become a member?" above for details. Otherwise, click the radio button next to whichever story you would like to add to your account, enter a coupon code if you have one, and then click Place Your Order.
If you want to add more than one Story Membership, you'll need to go through the order process for each one (the system doesn't work well as a shopping cart). I apologize for the inconvenience.
Q: How do I upgrade from a Story Membership to a Site Membership?
First, let me know you want to upgrade by sending an e-mail to:
Due to spam, I use altered mailto: links on my site. You will need to remove the capitalized parts of the e-mail address before sending. Also, because spammers are continually improving their ability to troll for public e-mail addresses on Web sites, this address may be changed at any time if it becomes compromised. Please visit this page to be sure you're using the correct address before sending your e-mail.
I'll need to know your Username and the e-mail address associated with your account.
I'll check your user record and confirm that you have a paid membership for at least one story. I will then create a special coupon just for you that can be used towards the purchase of a Site Membership in the amount of what you paid for up to two Story Memberships (if you purchased more than two, I'm sorry; just know that the extra money is going towards putting food on my table).
Once you've used the coupon for the Site Membership, I will remove the Story Memberships from your account (you won't need them, and since you're effectively trading them in, you don't get to keep them).
Q: How do I request a refund on my membership?
I'm sorry, but I don't offer refunds.
Once your payment goes through and your membership becomes active, you get instant access to the stories on the site, as well as the ability to download the PDF E-books. It would be very easy for someone to buy a membership, download all the PDFs, and then request a refund, meaning they'd get all my work for free. There is literally no way I can protect against that kind of fraud.
I realize this makes purchasing a Site Membership a bit more of a leap of faith, but that's one of the reasons I offer the option of trading in a Story Membership for a Site Membership. If you like just about all the sample chapters you've read, but you're unsure about committing to the Site Membership, you can choose one particular story for a fraction of the cost to test the waters (consider what it costs to go to the movies; buying a Story Membership is like getting the DVD along with your ticket, since you get to download the PDF and re-read the story whenever you want, as opposed to viewing the movie only once). If you like the rest of the available chapters, you can buy another Story Membership. If that second story meets (or hopefully exceeds) your expectations, you should feel confident enough to cover the rest of the amount to upgrade to a Site Membership. If not, then consider that you've only spent a small amount and you still get to keep the chapters you liked enough to want to buy a membership in the first place.
Q: How do I delete my membership account?
Warning! Deleting your account is permanent. If you change your mind later, you will have to create a new account and purchase a new membership. Your previous account will not be reinstated and any active memberships associated with your account will be lost.
If you have decided you wish to delete your account, you can make your request by going to the Delete My Account page (you must be logged in to the account you wish to delete) and clicking the Delete My Account button. All fields are pre-filled with your membership data, so all you have to do is click the button. You will receive an e-mail at the address listed on your account letting you know I've received your request.
Once I've received your request, I'll find your member record in my database and send an e-mail to the address associated with your account to ask for confirmation. This is an attempt to ensure the account owner is the one requesting the deletion.
If you receive any e-mails regarding account deletion, and you did not request your account be deleted, please contact me immediately with "Do Not Delete" in the subject line to alert me, and include your username in the body of the e-mail, along with any information you have regarding how someone else could have made the request.
However, if I receive a 'yes' from your member account's e-mail address, your account will be deleted.
Please note, after I receive confirmation, I will not accept any claims that someone else made the request to delete your account. It is up to you to keep your account information confidential. If you allow someone enough access to your information that they're able to use your e-mail account and membership information to act on your behalf, then I feel you have decided to let them legally represent you and I cannot be held responsible for acting in good faith on that information.
Q: How do I get a printer friendly version of a story?
Printer friendly versions of the stories are only available to members. I have intentionally coded the site to make it difficult to print story chapter pages unless you are logged in with a paid membership.
If you are a member, you are granted permission to print a single paper copy of each chapter, story, or series of stories, or graphic image(s) related to a story, according to the access allowed by your membership(s), for your personal, private use, provided you agree to destroy (shred, burn, or otherwise make unreadable) the printouts of any story you have as soon as it becomes available in paperback format.
The reason for that stipulation is that the paper printout format is in direct competition with the paperback format, so I will not legally authorize their coexistence. The point of the matter is, if you want the printed format, please buy the paperback book when it becomes available, and if you want a backup copy, please buy another paperback book.
To make a paper copy: First, be sure you're logged in as a Site Member or a Story Member of the story you are attempting to print. Then choose "File -> Print..." in your Web browser to print individual Web pages. The pages are formatted to make this a "clean" version: site images, menus, and other extraneous items are removed, so only the story title, chapter, story text, and copyright text are printed (the book cover image is printed on the main page). You can choose "File -> Print Preview..." to verify this for yourself before you commit to printing.
I do realize that it's still possible for you to circumvent my minimal protection measures, but please know that if/when you do so, you will be breaking the law.
Q: How do I get the PDF version of a story?
Instructions are provided on the PDF E-books page. If for any reason the instructions are unclear, or they don't seem to work for you, please send me an e-mail with exactly what you tried, as well as your Operating System (Windows/Mac), browser type and version (Microsoft Internet Explorer 8/Mozilla Firefox 3.6.13/Opera 11), and anything else that may be relevant, and I'll try to help.
Contact Help
Q: How do I contact the author?
Please go to the Contact page for full instructions.
Q: How do I report a Terms of Service violation?
If you notice a violation of the Terms of Service, please report it by filling out the TOS Violation Form (you must be a member to use the form) or submit a message outlining the violation to:
Due to spam, I use altered mailto: links on my site. You will need to remove the capitalized parts of the e-mail address before sending. Also, because spammers are continually improving their ability to troll for public e-mail addresses on Web sites, this address may be changed at any time if it becomes compromised. Please visit this page to be sure you're using the correct address before sending your e-mail.
I will review all reports and will handle them subject to the conditions contained in the TOS. Should I find activity or content in violation of the letter or spirit of the TOS, I will take (or not take) appropriate action at my sole discretion.
Q: How do I make a claim of copyright infringement?
If you believe your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement or are aware of any infringing material on the Site, please fill out the Copyright Infringement Form (you must be a member to use the form) or send an e-mail to:
Due to spam, I use altered mailto: links on my site. You will need to remove the capitalized parts of the e-mail address before sending. Also, because spammers are continually improving their ability to troll for public e-mail addresses on Web sites, this address may be changed at any time if it becomes compromised. Please visit this page to be sure you're using the correct address before sending your e-mail.
I will review all claims and will handle them subject to the conditions contained in the TOS. Should I find content infringing on a registered copyright, I will take (or not take) appropriate action at my sole discretion.
Q: Why isn't A Bondage Primer available as a Story Membership?
As stated in the Author's Notes of A Bondage Primer, I don't know if I will ever be able to finish this story. The story's original conception was to document each day for 180 days until the two main characters finally consumated their relationship. That's 180 chapters of scenes, dialogue, and narration. I would love to do it, but I'm not sure it's going to happen that way and am currently rethinking the structure of the story.
But until I come up with something I feel confident I can finish, I don't feel comfortable selling it. So, I consider it a bonus to the Site Membership, but will not offer it by itself for the foreseeable future.
Q: Do you do "tragedies"?
This isn't exactly how this question has been phrased when it's been sent to me. It's more like a worry that people mention while they're telling me why they liked or didn't like something in one of my stories.
Anyway, the answer is: No. I feel there are enough tragedies in real life. If you really want to read something that's going to make you feel bad at the end, you can check the newspaper or get a book on the Titanic.
Now, I'm not saying all my stories will have deliriously happy endings, but I won't write a story if I think the only logical or appropriate conclusion is for it to end sadly. When I read a story, I want some kind of payoff at the end, something that leaves me with hope or a smile on my face. You know, something.
So, this is my promise. No tragedies (unless I specifically say the story ends unhappily, but I really can't see myself leaving my characters like that; it would be rude). That doesn't mean I won't put my characters through hell, but I will always bring them back out in the end (though they may be a little crispy :)).