W.O.L.F. Sector
Worlds Of Lesbian Fiction

Write a Story Review

review - n. 1. An essay or article that gives a critical appraisal

In my opinion, a review for a story should inform the reader as to whether the story is one they would probably like or not. That means commenting on specific aspects of the story the reviewer liked or disliked without giving away plot points or "spoilers."

Unfortunately, the so-called reviews I've seen posted on a lot of other fiction sites tend to look like this: "I love this story! Please post more soon." Or they become a platform for the reviewer to shred the writer's work, usually in an attempt to look more intelligent than the writer, which devolves into a flame war if the writer responds negatively. But in my opinion, neither of those is a review, they're just comments, which is fine, but they shouldn't be posted under the heading of "review."

So, for the reviews posted on this site, I try to only include those that fit the above definition. Hence, merely submitting your review does not guarantee it will be posted to the site. I review each submission and make the final decision as to whether it gets posted. Any review deemed "unacceptable" and/or "inappropriate" will not be posted, though I'll probably keep it anyway just because I've kept just about everything I've ever received regarding my stories.

Reviews may be deemed "unacceptable" and/or "inappropriate" for the following reasons:

Also, I'm a tad obsessive/compulsive regarding typos, so if I see a typo, I'm going to correct it. I'm also likely to edit for conciseness, if the review is particularly long, and for clarity, if it's obvious the reviewer's first language isn't English and could be confusing to other readers, but if I feel the need to make any changes to your review whatsoever, I will send the revised version for your approval before posting it. Just to be clear, I will never edit to change the meaning of your words. In fact, if you have any negatives to note about a story, include them. Personally, I always take reviews with a couple negatives more seriously than those that are glowing.

If you're a member, just fill out and submit the Story Review Form and you'll be helping others to decide whether my stories are right for them.

You can also use the form to submit links to reviews you've found on other sites (or just send the link in an e-mail to the address below).

If for any reason you don't want to use the form, or if you're not a member, but you read the stories back when they were available without a membership and you'd like me to add your review, you may use the Text Version of the form. Simply click on the link, copy the text into your e-mail, fill out the form, and send it to:


Due to spam, I use altered mailto: links on my site. You will need to remove the capitalized parts of the e-mail address before sending. Also, because spammers are continually improving their ability to troll for public e-mail addresses on Web sites, this address may be changed at any time if it becomes compromised. Please visit this page to be sure you're using the correct address before sending your e-mail.

Also, I'd appreciate it if you would select the first line of the form (Story Review for ) and use it as the subject line of your e-mail, making sure to finish it with the title of the story you're reviewing.

Before submitting your review, please be sure to read Section 8A of the Terms of Service. Submitting your review constitutes your assertion that you have read and understand the Terms of Service and accept them. If you do not agree to be bound by the Terms of Service, you must not use the form.