W.O.L.F. Sector
Worlds Of Lesbian Fiction


Below is a collection of my favorite links in the following categories:

Other Sites By Kodi Wolf »
Other sites maintained and/or created by me. Most are personal and are works in progress with little or incomplete information.

Interviews With Kodi Wolf »
Transcripts of interviews with me. Some no longer exist, but are listed in case someone has a copy they can send to me to post locally.

Reviews Of Stories By Kodi Wolf »
Reviews of my original stories. Some no longer exist, but are listed in case someone has a copy they can send to me to post locally. Also, if you've reviewed one or more of my stories and the link isn't here, let me know, and I'll add it.

Miscelleneous Sites Related To Kodi Wolf »
Sites that don't fit into the above categories, but still have something to do with me or my stories.

Writing Resources »
Sites that offer software or contain information I've found useful in my writing.

Writing Books »
A list of my favorite writing books with links to their Amazon.com listing. (Note: I don't get any kickbacks if you buy a book. Amazon is just where I tend to shop for books online.)

Other Sites By Kodi Wolf

Kodi Wolf's Lesbian Fan Fiction
This is my fan fiction site, which used to also host my original fiction. It offers stories mostly set in the Xenaverse involving Xena and Gabrielle, but there's also one for The Facts of Life involving Jo and Blair.

Kodi & Corene's Handfasting
This is Corene's and my site documenting our handfasting. It offers pictures, movies (not yet available), and a transcript (incomplete) of the ceremony.

The Renaissance Bedroom by Kodi & Corene
This is Corene's and my site documenting the renovations of our bedroom. It offers pictures and stories about how we created the bedroom of our dreams (pretty close, anyway).

The Asian/Beach/Spa Bathroom by Kodi & Corene
This is Corene's and my site documenting the renovations of our bathroom. It offers pictures and stories about how we created a bathroom closer to that of our dreams (it's not quite there, but then it is just a rental, so we could only do so much).

Interviews With Kodi Wolf

The Uber Abode : Talk with the Authors
Author#1: Kodi Wolf
This was my first chat interview (first interview period), and I also had the honor of being their guinea pig for the start of the project. :) It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed talking to everyone. Someday, I'd like to do it again, maybe when I finally publish something offline.

The Bard's Corner - Bards of the Xenaverse
http://www.ausxip.com/bards/kodiwolf.html (doesn't seem to exist anymore)
Interview #1 (Mid-Season 5)
This was the second interview I did. I still can't believe how wordy I got. :) On the interview page, the text boxes that I had to type my answers into were like two lines high and I had no idea I'd written so much. Anyway, it proves one thing—I'm definitely a bard. :)

KatLyn's Lesbian Fiction - Author Bios
http://www.katlynfic.com/Authors/KodiWolf.htm (doesn't seem to exist anymore)
Kodi Wolf's author bio
This interview is a lot shorter than the one on The Bard's Corner, so it should read a little easier.

Whoosh! (Issue 72)
Inside The Head Of Kodi Wolf (Interviewed by Amy Murphy)
I did this interview in 2001 (I was sent the questionnaire in an e-mail). For a while, I didn't even think it was ever going to make it into an issue, but it finally did (September 2002), so go read it. By the way, it's really long.

Reviews Of Stories By Kodi Wolf

Xenalicious's Fan Fiction Recommendations
Review for Prisoner of War
Every now and then I do a search for my name and see what comes up. It's neat. Anyway, I found this review of POW, so I thought I'd add it here. The link to the story goes to The Bard's Corner, but if you're reading this, then you can always come back here to access the story on this site.

Peace and Nakotah's Bardic Reviews
http://arielx.com/Reviews/bardreviews.htm (doesn't seem to exist anymore; appears to have turned into a porn site)
Review for New Gaia
I received 4 out of 5 paws (yay me!). Reviews for different author's stories are all on the same page, so you'll have to scroll down until you see the title New Gaia.

Miscelleneous Sites Related To Kodi Wolf

Roarin' Fire's Poetry
This is my wife's website. I'm really not into poetry because I can't understand it most of the time, but her stuff is more like lyrics: I get it. So, even if you don't usually read poetry, go check her stuff out. It's really good. And yes, I'm biased. :) Also, there's a short fantasy I wrote for her that's only on her site because it goes with one of her poems (Your Fantasy). If I write more, I may create a non-fiction section on this site for it, but for now, it's only on her site. Oh, and I also designed the site, including creating all the graphics for it.

Calli's Creations
Book Cover for The Vampire Hunter
I was just looking at my web logs to see where people are linking to me and found this cool book cover done by Calli. Go check it out. (I love the image of the Master from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. :)) There's also a link to a black and white mock celebrity 8x10 autographed by Dana Clark.

Writing Resources

United States Copyright Office
This is where to go if you want to register your work with the U.S. Copyright Office. You can download forms for printing, find out what the current fees are, and learn about what a copyright is.

WordWeb Thesaurus and Dictionary for Windows (free)
I highly recommend this program. You can input a word (or select a word and then click on the WordWeb icon in the system tray) and get its definitions along with multiple listings of synonyms and antonyms. You can have it narrow the list to just nouns or verbs or adjectives, or even narrow it to just a particular definition of the word, which is very useful when you get a word with a lot of different possible meanings. I probably use this program about every other paragraph when I'm writing.

The Elements of Style - William Strunk, Jr.
If you're writing, then you should read this. It's as simple as that. (Some of it is out of date, but most of it is still accurate, making it one of the best places to learn the basic rules of writing. So, when you finally decide to break them, you'll actually know what you're deciding.)

OneLook Dictionary Search
I don't use this site too often because I have WordWeb, but if WordWeb can't find the word and I'm sure it's a real word, this is where I go.

CIA - The World Factbook
This site lists information by country. It can be very helpful in choosing locations for stories to take place. It offers maps, general background info, climate, geography, population, ethnic groups, religions, government type, economy, exports/imports (including dollar amount), and even how many Internet users there are.

Baby Name Network
This is the best name search site I've found yet (it replaces my old favorite at BabyZone, since they removed the "meaning" filter from their search). You can search by name, starting letter, gender, origin (such as Greek, Armenian, etc.), and even popularity. But my favorite way to search is by keyword. For example, if I want a name that means strength, I can do a search for "strong," "strength," "hard," etc. I have four baby name books on my shelf next to my computer, but when I want confirmation of a meaning or more choices, I go here.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is where I tend to start subject searches, if I don't just type in a keyword and search through Google. But since it's a publicly editable site, I tend to take everything with a grain of salt and always try to find other sources to verify any information I find. I consider it a great jumping off point.

Rules for Comma Usage
If you have trouble knowing when to use a comma, this is the perfect site to help you figure it out (not that I always follow the rules).

Online Etymology Dictionary
Ever wanted to know where a word came from? This is the place to find out. I've used this site extensively for my research into runes, as well as just finding out where a particular saying may have originated.

This is similar to the site above, but I like to use it to cross-check what I find, so that I'm not relying on a single source.

Google Translate
When I need a translation (English to foreign, or foreign to English) for a commonly written/spoken contemporary language (French, Spanish, German, etc.), this is where I go. I've also started using this for less commonly written/spoken languages (Latin, Esperanto, etc.).

When I need a translation (English to foreign, or foreign to English) for an old language (ancient Greek), this is where I go.

Since I sometimes work with future dates in writing science fiction, I like to be sure that if I say there was light from a full moon on a particular night that there wasn't in fact a new moon (and therefore no light). And if there wasn't a full moon, I can incorporate that fact into the story instead. I've also been known to change my mind about the year a story takes place, but if I've already been using certain dates, it can make changing years difficult. Well, this site offers the ability to find a year that uses the same calendar as the year you're looking at. Basically, if you need to look up a date (from year 1-3999), this site is the place to go.

If you're dealing with foreign money in your story, this site can help you figure out not only what the current exchange rate is for money you already know the value of, but also what that foreign currency is called (Lira, Shilling, Rupee, etc.).

Tom's Inflation Calculator
Once you've figured out how much money you're talking about from the above site, convert it into U.S. Dollars, and then you can input the amount into this site and find out how much money it would be worth in the past or future (1666-2070). Then just take that amount and convert it back again to the currency you're interested in (if you're not converting to U.S. Dollars).

Writing Books

The Art of War for Writers: Fiction Writing Strategies, Tactics, and Exercises by James Scott Bell
This book is inspirational as well as highly practical. I got something out of just about every topic (there are 77, plus a 'final word').

Dynamic Characters: How to Create Personalities That Keep Readers Captivated by Nancy Kress
This book really gets into the techniques of how to get a character across to a reader and what it is about characters that connect with readers that I'd never really had defined or explained to me before.

The Fire in Fiction: Passion, Purpose, and Techniques to Make Your Novel Great by Donald Maass
This book has a ton of practical advice and has really made me think about my stories in new ways. The techniques included at the end of each chapter have taught me to really stretch my creativity and not just settle for my initial idea, but to keep going until I get what I'm really after.

From First Draft to Finished Novel: A Writer's Guide to Cohesive Story Building by Karen S. Wiesner
I've only made it about halfway through this book (the last half is writing exercises and templates) because the information presented is actually quite dense, but what I've read so far I've found to be really useful in helping me coordinate my writing (I can be a bit scattered sometimes). I can't say I've used the templates that much (mostly for characters I'm not that familiar with, like secondary characters I'm trying to get to know), but I have found them helpful when I have used them, and the templates for story scenes look promising.

Self-Editing for Fiction Writers: How to Edit Yourself Into Print by Renni Browne and Dave King
This book has gotten a few bad reviews on Amazon (I don't think people understand the concept of 'take what is useful to you personally and leave the rest', i.e., if you think a suggestion changes your writing to something you don't like, don't follow the suggestion because that's all it is, a suggestion), but I've found it to be absolutely one of the best editing books I've ever read. The checklists at the end of each chapter are indispensable, and where other books I've read seemed to go on and on about nothing useful, just about every paragraph in this book seems to point out something new to be on the lookout for in your writing and then moves on.

Worlds of Wonder: How to Write Science Fiction & Fantasy by David Gerrold
This book has been mostly inspirational for me, rather than practical, but there is still plenty of practical advice in it.