W.O.L.F. Sector
Worlds Of Lesbian Fiction
What's Going On With Kodi...

Tuesday, February 22, 2000

Post #10

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Ever have one of those days? But in a good way? I completed the third chapter of Lights of Life (12pp.), started a new story called Prisoner of War (7pp.), and wrote chapter five of New Gaia (21pp.) and was just about to go to sleep (I was dead on my feet, or should I say seat since I was sitting at the computer all day) and a movie started playing in my head. I watched as the opening scenes of a conversation between a vampire and the woman who was hunting her played out in my mind's eye. I have a very good imagination, but I rarely see things so clearly. I could hear their voices, the inflections, the emotion. Maybe it was the lack of sleep. Anyway, I knew if I didn't get up and write it out, I'd lose it by the time I woke the following day, so I got back up, turned the computer back on, and wrote chapter I of The Vampire Hunter. I really really like it, too. And I already know where it's going, which is cool.